The Relaxation Lounge Mobile App

Where Stress Relief Happens in Minutes!

Blog Posts

Hi, I'm Denise Your Host!

One day my doctor told me “Denise, you’d better slow down or else!”

I was a busy, successful, conference manager who was always living in burnout or on the edge of burnout. My health suffered and so did my relationships.

It took me years to figure out how to slow down and manage the stress in my life. I had a hard time finding easy to use, quick (I was always a very busy woman) relaxation practices without commercials or distractions (YouTube is great but wow the distractions).

The more I researched, the more I fell in love with the relaxation practices! There are so many unique, fun practices that you can do to transform your stress into a more relaxed, balanced you.

That’s why I started The Relaxation Lounge. I want to share with you a quick and easy way to slow down and lower your stress.

I can’t wait to see you in the Lounge!

Frequently Asked Questions

There are many ways that you can implement relaxation practices into your life. You can: Create a morning routine – do a few relaxation practices before you start your day. This will help you create a positive day with good intentions. Take regular breaks – chunk your projects into smaller bite sized pieces. When you complete a piece, take a break and do a relaxation practice. Create a stress awareness – when you start feeling stressed or frazzled – take a few minutes to do a relaxation practice. This will help you rejuvenate, create focus, energize and put you back into alignment.

This mobile app is not a long term commitment. You can cancel anytime.

Each practice has the practitioner’s contact info listed on the page. You can easily send them a private email, go to their social media accounts or explore their website.

Yes, there are a lot of free practice videos on YouTube and other video hosting platforms.  The Relaxation Lounge practice sessions are straight to the point – no intro, no blah blah blah and no commercials. You don’t have to search for practices as they are all in the easy to use directory.

There are some amazing relaxation apps out there. Some of them provide meditation, yoga, hypnotherapy and other great practices. They are also limited to one type of practice. The Relaxation Lounge hosts a variety of different practices by different practitioners. If you don’t resonate with one practice – there are many more to try. Currently the Relaxation practices include: hypnotherapy, meditation, stretching, breath work, EFT, sound therapy, morning routine practices and so much more.