The Relaxation Lounge


Unveiling The Truth: Stress and Autoimmune Diseases

with Xenia Brandstetter

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In her previous life, Xenia used to work in Finance until she fell ill in her mid-20s with multiple autoimmune diseases. She couldn’t keep up with her job and her life, was bedridden for a while, and eventually decided to quit her job while focusing only on her recovery. During that time, she overshot and became obsessed with living a healthy lifestyle, struggling with depression and unable to handle the stress of it anymore. She was eventually able to turn it around and find balance, which is when true healing finally happened. 

She is now symptom-free and started coaching because she wants to support others who are going through the same thing & share her knowledge.

In this episode:

  • Xenia explains how stress played a major role in her autoimmune diseases and how she didn’t initially recognize the connection.
  • Xenia talks about feeling isolated and the stigma around asking for help, which prolonged her journey to recovery.
  • She describes her path to becoming a health coach to help others and how it changed her perspective on career and work-life balance.
  • She discusses the importance of recognizing stress and developing healthy ways to manage it, including keeping a stress journal and practicing mindfulness.
  • Xenia shares that stress can be physical, emotional, or mental and emphasizes the need to create a buffer between stressors and our responses.
  • She highlights common symptoms of autoimmune diseases, such as extreme fatigue and digestive issues, and encourages listeners to seek help if they experience these.
  • She offers a free roadmap where she shares her journey and framework that you can use to find out what’s next for you – download it from her website here:

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About Denise

I know what it feels like to live in chronic stress, overwhelm, and burnout! I felt so all alone, sick and afraid. I didn’t know how to change things. My doctor just kept telling me to slow down, but I did not know what that meant. I made the change and you can too!

I am now to here to help you make that change! Living in stress can become a never ending cycle. You have too much to do, you get frustrated, overwhelmed and feel like you are on a never ending hamster wheel.

Life doesn’t need to be that hard. I am here to help you so that you can start enjoying your life again.

Love Denise

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