The Relaxation Lounge


Simple Strategies for Stress Management

with Marie Young

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Marie Young is a stress management and productivity coach. She works with high achievers whose stress levels are currently unmanageable or close to it. She helps them create practices to support calm alert and grounded states of being and goal attainment.

In this episode:

  • Marie shares her journey from high-stress tech work to becoming a stress management coach through yoga and meditation.
  • Marie explains how she discovered the benefits of stimulating the vagus nerve for better physiological well-being.
  • Marie talks about practical tips for busy women to reduce stress, like turning off tech and doing various exercises and practices.
  • Marie shares unique techniques like mouth, trunk, and eye work to help ground and relax the nervous system.
  • Marie discusses the difference between distress and eustress and how to manage both for better overall health.
  • Marie encourages finding consistent practices that help you stay grounded and achieve goals with a balanced state of mind.
  • Marie introduces her “Daily Boost” freebie, filled with exercises to help balance energy and feel good quickly. Click here: and sign up to get started.

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About Denise

I know what it feels like to live in chronic stress, overwhelm, and burnout! I felt so all alone, sick and afraid. I didn’t know how to change things. My doctor just kept telling me to slow down, but I did not know what that meant. I made the change and you can too!

I am now to here to help you make that change! Living in stress can become a never ending cycle. You have too much to do, you get frustrated, overwhelmed and feel like you are on a never ending hamster wheel.

Life doesn’t need to be that hard. I am here to help you so that you can start enjoying your life again.

Love Denise

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