The Relaxation Lounge

The Relaxation Lounge


From Stress to Self Discovery

with Jacqueline Ortiz

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Jacqueline Ortiz, The Self-Love Diva! Is a Self-Love, Empowerment Mentor, Speaker & Bestselling Author of Extraordinary You!

Jacqueline helps people who are struggling with feeling overwhelmed, overstressed, overcommitted & as a result feel unappreciated, unhappy, & unfulfilled to cultivate a healthy, loving relationship with themselves & others so they can create a life they love!

In this episode:

  • Jacqueline talks about her big shift from being stressed in the restaurant world to embracing self-love.
  • She tells a story about a night that changed everything for her, leading her on a trip across the country and finding herself.
  • She introduces her idea of “QT” or Quantum Trinity Team. Jacqueline explains this as a connection between our younger self, who we are now, and our future or higher self.
  • Jacqueline also speaks about the power of daydreaming. She believes it helps people truly see and then achieve their goals.
  • She shares her special “hype me ups”, which are affirmations or positive sayings that help people grow. To get your copy – click here:
  • Jacqueline discusses the importance of valuing ourselves, setting clear boundaries, and the positive change that comes when we truly love ourselves.

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About Denise

I know what it feels like to live in chronic stress, overwhelm, and burnout! I felt so all alone, sick and afraid. I didn’t know how to change things. My doctor just kept telling me to slow down, but I did not know what that meant. I made the change and you can too!

I am now to here to help you make that change! Living in stress can become a never ending cycle. You have too much to do, you get frustrated, overwhelmed and feel like you are on a never ending hamster wheel.

Life doesn’t need to be that hard. I am here to help you so that you can start enjoying your life again.

Love Denise

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