The Relaxation Lounge


Conquering Self-Sabotage

with Abby Havermann

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With a combined twenty-five years of experience, first as a psychotherapist, then a financial advisor, and now a trainer and executive coach, Abby Havermann inspires and teaches leaders how to unwire habits of thought and emotion that no longer serve. Drawing on leading-edge neuroscience, ancient wisdom practices, and life experience, Abby engages executive audiences with wit and sincerity.

In this episode:

  • Abby explains that self-sabotage happens because we’re not fully aware of our own thoughts and feelings.
  • She talks about positive intelligence and how taking a quick assessment can show us our self-sabotaging behaviors.
  • Abby highlights the importance of building mental muscles, just like physical ones, to better handle stress and make positive changes.
  • Abby shares simple techniques, like focusing on your fingertips or heart-focused breathing, to quickly shift your mindset and reduce stress.
  • Abby mentions Heart Math Institute’s research on how heart rate variability affects our emotions and brain function.
  • Abby offers a free saboteur assessment and a discovery call to help listeners understand and manage their self-sabotaging behaviors – take the assessment now – click here:

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About Denise

I know what it feels like to live in chronic stress, overwhelm, and burnout! I felt so all alone, sick and afraid. I didn’t know how to change things. My doctor just kept telling me to slow down, but I did not know what that meant. I made the change and you can too!

I am now to here to help you make that change! Living in stress can become a never ending cycle. You have too much to do, you get frustrated, overwhelmed and feel like you are on a never ending hamster wheel.

Life doesn’t need to be that hard. I am here to help you so that you can start enjoying your life again.

Love Denise

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